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    1. …in reply to @beccalunch
      beccalunch There was a good thread in /r/law about it. Since some have already voted it's too late for Rs to change ballots like would usually happen. Electors likely choose vote Trump/Pence which means Pence becomes Acting Pres and has to get a new VP approved in Congress.
  1. …in reply to @magiceldridge
    beccalunch Interesting wrinkle is that electors could conceivably vote in Pence as Pres with a new VP to avoid having to get Congressional approval for the new VP. A SCOTUS case this year allows states to punish "faithless" electors but doesn't precent them from being faithless afaik.
    1. …in reply to @magiceldridge
      beccalunch NYT did a good article covering some interesting bits, especially the weird nuances of Pres vs Acting Pres and incapacitated vs no longer in office.