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  1. …in reply to @rehundt
    rehundt As far as NN goes it's fundamental to the network itself (as opposed to platforms). An analogy here could be roads vs Taxis. Roads should always be available, maintained, and easy to drive from one to another since that's beneficial to all existing and yet-invented vehicles.
    1. …in reply to @magiceldridge
      rehundt That being said, the heavy handedness of platform self-moderation isn't (imo) a problem in itself, but *is* indicative of a separate problem -- concentration of political/economic power in a handful of giants so their actions have larger effects than really should be the case.
    2. …in reply to @magiceldridge
      rehundt As opposed to say Taxis where it *might* make sense to have can companies it gov't apply additional restrictions when transporting people/things.